【新刊上路 VOP ISSUE 11 !】
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
Issue 11 : 影像檔案 Image Archives
在這期的《攝影之聲》中,周慶輝累積自己多年來被警察和自動測速相機拍下的交通違規照片,以都會叢林的獵影檔案,再現當代城市生活窘態 ; 姚瑞中帶領「失落社會檔案室(LSD)」進行全台「蚊子館」的攝影田野調查行動,用民間影像檔案拆解官僚政策隱藏的利益結構 ; Sipke Visser在英國隨機寄出五百張自己的攝影作品給陌生人,並以兩年半時間集結所有回信,構成攝影者的私檔案與視覺書寫文獻 ; Thomas Sauvin在北京垃圾場蒐集大批廢棄底片,經過重新掃描整理,這些被遺棄的素人照片卻顯影出當代中國的另類精神面貌。
Artist's Showcase單元則專訪攝影藝術家Antoine D’Agata,在他如產生藥物幻覺般脫韁狂放的視線裡,赤裸的人性慾念與攝影合為一體。在Q單元中,我們與積極推動設立攝影科系的邱奕堅,談他甫成立的台灣第一個攝影學位學程 ; 以及由「海馬迴光畫館」創辦人李旭彬分享藝術空間經營的幕後故事。此外,我們也飛往德國參加第六屆卡塞爾攝影書節,並專訪倫敦泰德現代美術館首位攝影專職策展人Simon Baker,分享他的策展生活與國際攝影觀察。而本期《SHOUT》則是1954年至1970年台灣早期實驗影像檔案的再出土。
Photography is seen as a kind of evidence, which archives our history visually, and which possesses an ability to narrate. We collect pieces of our world and construct them into archival systems, competing for the narrative power and thus “over-interpret” the world. Image archives thus became one of the favourite sources of data for artists, who collect, collate, collage, construct and deconstruct the library of images available to bring in new meanings, as well as to challenge the authority of official archival records by rebuilding the current nature and system of archiving.
In this issue of VOP, Chou Ching-Hui presents his compilation of the photographs that came with his tickets for traffic violations, giving us snapshots of the confinements within a city; Yao Jui-Chung leads the group "Lost Society Document" in launching a project to photograph disused public property, deconstructing the underlying factors hidden by bureaucracy using unofficial picture archives; Sipke Visser mailed out 500 of his photography works to random addresses in UK, constructing his own private archive of personal commentaries to his pictures in two-and-a-half years; Thomas Suavin collects tons of discarded films from recycling areas in Beijing, digitises them and tries to piece together an alternate contemporary China reflected in these ordinary photographs.
In the Artists Showcase, we interviewed visual artist Antoine D'Agata, whose works infuse naked desires with photography. Q column features Chiu I-Chien, who has always been, and finally succeeded in pushing for the establishment of a BA course in photography. We also talked to Li Hsu-Pin, founder of Fotoaura Institute of Photography, on his experiences in managing an art space. In addition, VOP took part in the 6th Photobook Festival in Kassel, Germany, where we interviewed the first curator of photography and international art at Tate Modern in London, Simon Baker, who shared with us his life as a curator and his observations about photography traits and trends of different countries. The SHOUT in this issue features archived images of early Taiwanese laboratories from Taiwan National Repository of Cultural Heritage between 1954 to 1970.
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Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
Issue 11 : 影像檔案 Image Archives
uk property group 在 Mohd Asri Facebook 的最佳貼文
As in the past, we generally expect a post-budget rally with FBMKLCI to trend towards 1850 levels after Budget 2014. We expect budget measures to arrest competitiveness and improve public finance to attract more investors confidence and foreign fund inflows back to Malaysia.
1. Generally, Budget 2014 should spur local market sentiment by introducing tough unpopular bold measures to boost trade competitiveness, improve fiscal credibility, address the recent downgrade by sovereign credit rating (such as Fitch Ratings) and encouraging stronger private sector participation to boost economic growth.
2. We expect Budget 2014 to focus on the implementation of subsidy rationalization programme (SRP), the implementation of services tax (GST) and extension of BR1M for the low income group.
3. Generally, investors do not believe there will be significant Corporate and Personal Income Taxes cut due to government fiscal constraint but more incentives will be given to lower income groups using a very focus and targeted approach.
4. As in the past, Budget 2014 should benefit construction sectors (especially those with low import content and high multiplier project owner). Higher multiplier such as MRT circle line 2 and 3, Southern Double Tracking and even the proposed Kuching-KK Pan Borneo Highway may kick-start but big ticket high import items like Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High Speed Rail and third interchange linking Johor and Singapore could be delayed.
5. As stated in General Election manifesto, there is a real possibility, Budget 2014 may launch National Healthcare Project (something like Australia's Medicare System and UK NHS) that will provide every Malaysian with access to quality healthcare. Healthcare stocks such as IHH, KPJ and TMC Life should benefit. Further, using Budget 2013 trend, Budget 2014 should again promote local tourism sector which means healthcare sector via medical tourism again will benefit.
6. The implementation of GST should benefit software providers. Stocks like DKSH, Censof and MyEG should win contracts while telcos that have been paying govt sales tax can now shift the tax burden to customers under GST. Hence, all three telcos Maxis, Axiata and DiGi will benefit.
7. Mass market consumer stocks (such as AEON and Parkson) however should benefit from government low income incentives such as higher BR1M, higher salary to qualify for BR1M (maybe raise to RM4000-RM5000 from currently RM3000), more KR1M (Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia) and cheaper house from affordable PR1MA homes.
8. Budget 2014 may grant more tax exemptions for hybrid and electric cars to encourage the usage of fuel efficient vehicles. This should benefit foreign hybrid cars markers such as Honda, Volskwagen, Toyota and Nissan.
9. Due to government focus on Islamic Finance, Takaful industry players should get more added incentives in 2014 to encourage bigger market share and more protection among Malaysian. Stocks going big into Takaful such as Takaful Malaysia, Allianz and MAA may benefit.
10. Due to Subsidy Rationalisation Programme (SRP), Budget 2014 should see more subsidy cuts which includes more increase in fuel prices (possibly additional 10 to 20 cents), more increase in gas & electricty power tariff as well as hikes in sugar prices. Such moves should generally be negative for consumer/glove stocks (retailers like Nestle, Amway and Dutchlady & gloves such as Hartalega, Kossan, Supermax who use gas and raw materials) while positive for utilities stocks such as Tenaga, YTLPower and GasMsia (due to lower inputs, more efficient energy consumption and better earning visibility).
11. Budget 2014 should impose higher sin tax to boost government revenue. Tobacco players such as BAT and JT International and possibly brewery such as Carlsberg and Guinness and even gaming players such as Genting and BJToto earning are expected to contract. Bear in mind, there is no tax hike for gaming counters since 1998, no take hike for brewery since 2007 and no take hike for cigarettes since 2010. Perhaps, there will be 3 cents extra tax per cigarrete stick and RM1.00 extra duties per litre of beer.
12. For Budget 2014, we believe banks and properties could be mildly affected by more government properties-cool-down and bad-debt-measures (involving house, property, automotive and personal loans). Softer retail/corporate loans are therefore expected due to higher stamp duty, foreign cap, tougher RPGT (real properties gains tax) and higher loan-to-value (LTV) ratio for property purchases and shorter the personal financing tenure.
13. Government will strive for Marhaen Budget (Rakyat) which generally should aims for :
(i) Close To Free Education - free high quality education for all citizens
(ii) Close To Free Healthcare - affordable and easy accessible quality medical care to all, rich
and poor alike
(iii) Affordable Housing - cheaper and comfortable for majority rakyat
(iv) Efficient Public transport - safer, cheaper, more efficient, reliable and comfortable for majority rakyat
(v) Security for citizens and their families with an accepted (perceived or otherwise) low crime rate.
14. Government will use creative ways to boost revenue without burdening rakyat. These may includes :
(i) Reduce foreign tax incentives - Remove tax incentives to foreign firms operating in this country which has low multiplier effect on economy (beverage, gaming & brewery).
(ii) Auction land - Government land should be auctioned to the highest bidder to gain maximum income in development of Government’s land
(iii) Auction licences - Licences for telco and television rights can also be auctioned to the highest bidder after a shorter fixed period to get more revenue
(iv) Sell concessions - government must not give companies (whether GLC or not) rights to operate a project (eg. power plant/highways for free)
(v) Curb smuggling - government should spend more on enforcement to reduce money lost on smuggled items especially on cigarettes, beers, petrol and rice
(vi) Cut procurement bureaucracy and costs - the Government must spend more to reduce bureaucratic tape especially in procurement so that higher saving can be made on resources and time awarding the contract
(vii) Reduce subsidising the rich corporate player - the government should overhaul and reduce subsidies for rich companies such as foreign automatives and IPP which benefit more than the rakyat
(vii) Impose tax on high end asset class - capital gains tax should be imposed more on high end income eg. gains from investments, property, antique asset sales, bond and stock markets.
15. Last but not least, oil and gas stocks should get positive catalyst. Due to depleting oil reserves, we expect government to encourage more participation in the downstream O&G industry which may include huge investment tax allowance for refinery activities to catalyse the downstream segment. This will also attract investors to participate in Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex to ensure its successful take-off. Petronas linked stocks such as Petronas Chemicals, Sapura Kencana, Uzma, Deleum, Perisai and others should benefit.
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